I posted a series of Craig's List ads all around the country calling for real life pizza delivery drivers to share stories about experiences they had while delivering pizzas. I told them that I was looking for material to use in my script and that they would be credited for their help. Many true-life pizza delivery drivers responded and gave me permission to use their stories. I ended up basing the Mrs. Wimmith scene in ZOMBIES AND PIZZA (TM)loosely on a lot of stories I heard about pizza delivery drivers who were "tipped" with sexual favors from women. And, I used one of the stories below, which describes how a driver ate an order of chicken fingers while delivering them, for a scene where one of the main characters in Zombies and Pizza eats chicken fingers while delivering them. Keep in mind when you read the stories below that they are all based on actual events that took place all throughout the country... lol! Be forewarned that there's a lot of racy material in this blog post, and that I didn't edit or change these responses (tons of spelling and punctuation mistakes in here... lol!). I had to leave out a few of the pizza delivery stories because they were TOO racy... lol! Here are most of the responses I got to my Craig's List ads:
Sir or Madam,
I have done pizza delivery for a few years and do have quite a few stories to tell.
I've come across pool parties; women that answer their door in lingerie; men and women that were in the throws of passion and I interrupted them by my arrival; women sun bathing, guys working on cars; ignorant people; nice people; vehicle failures or an accident while on duty...
I can go on and on about things I have come across.
Keep me posted, if you would like to use my experiences.
True life pizza delivery stories:
Hi Dan, I'm a transplant to Minnisota. I was born and raised in Chicago and started delivering pizzas in 1964 when I was 16 and got my first car a 1950 Buick. The owners of the pizzaria are very good family friends of mine and I even delivered through my adult years on weekends until I moved up here.
You wouldn't believe what some of the people do when I would deliver a pie.
I've had both men and women answer the door nude and ask me to trade them the pizza for sex.
I've had them try to trade a dog, cat, puppy, kitten, turtle, clock radio, XXX rated movies, tools, beer, wacky weed, and more than once I've had a guy try to trade me his wife for a half hour.
I've had women answer the door with a shitload of kids and tell me they don't have any money and if I don't give her the pizza the kids will starve.
But then I've had people tip me as much as $100.
I even had a nice guy ask me if I liked sports ~ when I said yes he gave me 3 box tickets to the Bulls game that weekend. ( which are almost impossible to get. )
Well I don't know if this will help you but good luck with your venture. Mike
hey man, I delivered pizzas years ago, and the funniest/stupidest thing that I ever did was I got the munchies after gettin stoned while drivin to a customer's house who ordered chicken fingers .. it was like on the the edge of our delivery radius, so the drive was kinda far and I could have swore that she ordered a large and I figured I would eat 1, so I zoned out, musta eaten more than 1, and when i got to her house, she checked it because it felt light and here she only ordered a small order and she only had 1 chicken finger left and realized I ate them and started bitchin .. hope it helps! -James
Years ago, I slung pies for Domino’s. At the time I was in my 30s and completing my BA in History at Rowan (though MY degree says Glassboro State College).
On a night off, I got a call from the manager asking if I could help out at another store. Sure... no problem... could always use the cash.
So off I go to help out a store, whose territory is completely foreign to me. Keep in mind, at that time, Domino’s guaranteed delivery in 30 minutes or less, with a 3.00 discount if not delivered in the allotted time.
First order.... got lost. Finally found the house... rang the bell and it was answered by a kid no older than 14.
“Old dude you are late!”
“Yes I am, I don’t really know the area and I’m just helping out.”
“Whattaya stupid?”
Now I’m pissed off.
With that, I dropped the pizza at his feet and walked away. Didn’t even collect the money.
Feel free to edit..... the kid at the door was fat, red haired and freckle faced...
Just a suggestion for casting.... lol good luck
I used to deliver pizzas years ago when I was in High School.. One of the
craziest things that happened is that one night the "boss" (he was only
three years older than me) made us pound a beer every time we got back from
a delivery... Needless to say we closed early that night because everyone
was too drunk to drive after the 10th delivery or so...
I play in some bands that would be happy to get on a soundtrack too
Let me know.
-- Dave Smith
-- The Wink Winks
-- dave@thewinkwinks.com
I got a great pizza delivery story. As a struggling musician, I had a gig delivering for a local Pizza joint in the burbs. I was driving a crappy car that was not street legal.
So, out on ONE DELIVERY, I had this happen (incredibly!), that may have inspired the song "Had a Bad Day":
Heading out for a delivery, I was pulled over by a police officer who issued me a ticket for lack of inspection for my vehicle (after I pleaded with him that I trying to make the $$$ to get it done....still got the ticket!).
I arrived at my destination (a little late of course) to find out I was delivering to a secret brothel (store front). I found this it because they were getting busted the time that i had arrived.
Ya, truth is stranger that fiction.
My name is Rush. I'm from Los Angeles, CA.
We have a town near by called Glendale, CA near East Los Angeles.. It's primarily Armenian mixed with Mexican populated area. The year was 2005. I was interning at a recording studio at the same time and needed some cash at the time. So I started working for Domino's Pizza! It worked for me for about 5 months before I was sent to North East Los Angeles one evening. I didn't know back then that it's a Latin populated area, high of Mexican gangs and other motherfuckers who'd kill each other for fuck knows why. But a really disgusting neighborhood...it was my only second year in the US as I came here from Russia in 2004, so I wasn't familiar with all the good and bad areas of the city.
You would deliver pizza and see people don't live in the best conditions but it didn't seem right away that someone can just come up to you and give you a bad time...
Well, back to the story. I don't remember what time it was, 8pm or may be 11pm. We'd work till 2am therefore I have idea what time it was.
I drive to the apartment building, there's only one street light on the whole fucking street. To be on the safe side I kept as close to the that light as possible. I usually kept pizzas and other stuff in the trunk of the car(Nissan 200SX, 1998). So I'm sitting in the car and calling the guy - hey pizza guy is here can you come out or let me know what suite number is it? He says he'll come out in a minute and tells me to wait. While I was talking to him on the phone two Hispanic guys come over and stand next to my car and ask me for a cigarette. Well it seems no problem there, I've been asked for a cig in this area before and I felt safe, no worries you know. I give a guy a cigarette and come out of the car to get pizza out of the trunk. At that point one of the Hispanic dudes, a shorter guy (the other one was a taller guy), comes up to me and I didn't know what he was saying to me, may be he was speaking Spanish to me may be just was fucking around to get my attention, so I'm like sorry man, No Hable Espaniol. And I light up a cig and call the customer who's not showing up yet. While I'm on the phone I'm getting pizza from the trunk and the shorter Hispanic dude comes up to me very close and talks to me and I still can't understand what was he saying, and the strange thing was he was wearing a T-short on he's head so I didn't see his face.
The nex thing I know the guy is punching me in the face, my galesses all on the ground and breake, I don't see a shit at this point, but fight back and the guy back up. So I'm kinda chasing him in the dark and trying to fight. But he backs up and screams to the other guy - hey dude get the knife, get the knife!!! Well I dodn't know what happened, I didn't feel nothing, no fear, no pain, no agony. Just this thing is going through my mind - gotta get away, gotta get away. While I'm trying to fight this shorter guy, I can feel how taller one is in it too, and know two of them are fighting me. I don't know if it's called being jumped on, but I certaily felt like it know. I feel how I'm running of air, I feel how I'm getting tired.....It all happens very fast, have know Idea how long, but I don't think more than 3 to 4 minutes. So I manage to get away, in the dark. I don't see a thing, I run to the next street and see lights, those were cars. So I stop one of them and scream at them that I'm a pizza man and I've been robbed. Well the guy who stopped to help me told me to wait while he was calling the cops. Only when the guy told me I realized I was covered in blood from top down! Blood was everywhere, it seemed like somebody poored a bucket of blood on me...
I saw a cut on my right arm, and paramedics found a cut on my lower back, close to my but!
Cuts were deep, but not life fretaning, unless I didn't get help I'd probably bleed to death.
That's the story, Domino's paud all my medical expences and for the hospital stay. I didn't sue Domino's though everybody thought I shoud have. But the stor manager was so good to me, he even gave me money for my new glasses out of his own pocket.
Kids, if you don't know where you are, and something seems fishy, just leave, don't be a hero, get your ass out of there! Your mom or your girlfreind needs you, and they don't need a dead hero, they need a son, boyfriend, husband! ))))
I currently live in West Hollywood, I don't think about Hispanics as bad people, I know every nationality has their bad seeds. And I don't judge people by the race! I work as a Marketer for a Durable Medical Equipment company and part time office maneger at a doctros office. I play in a band that's called LongDayTooShort, myspace.com/longdaytooshorttheband
I don't blame life for anything, just keep in mind - SHIT HAPPENS. And it just one of those day!
I'm 45, so this was around 1982-1985 around that time. My friend and I had a band and I got a job delivering pizza, it was becoming the most popular (still is) pizza place in our hometown (Monroe, MI). So it was getting very busy and we needed more delivery people, I brought in my best friend (helped him get hired) and we started working on different days, and both working during busy times.
There are a lot of railroad tracks and things in the town we were from, so we decided to start a "contest" between the two of us.... it started with who could make the most boxes (down in their basement of the store) while the other was out delivering, and later we decided to see how much we could "get away with", during deliveries. The delivery area was huge by the way, like 15 or 20 mile radius. He won the "contest" by taking 3 pizzas, he delivered one, then drove about 5 miles to pickup his girlfriend and other buddy, they drove about another 5 miles and sat down to eat dinner at Denny's (by the freeway), when they finished their meal he delivered the 2nd pizza with them in the car, returned them to their apartment, then delivered the 3rd pizza (remember, no cell phones, pagers, etc. back then), when he finally returned about 3 hours later, our boss/owner was PISSED and confronted him, he blamed it on TWO trains that stopped on the railway
(occasionally happens there), and the boss believed it.
I had a 1972 Delta 88 Convertible, similar looking to this one I found online: http://vurdon.hu/uploads/shop/vurdon.hu/galeria/73/2246_big640.jpg
It was my "truck" for hauling band equipment. We had to move our rehearsal space VERY quickly, so we dropped the top and LOADED the car with Marshall amps, P.A. equipment, etc. in the middle of winter with a pretty heavy snow falling. While holding one of the heavier pieces of equipment and standing in the back, I started to "sink" down to the ground (road) level.... it turns out the floorboards were rusted and I was falling through the carpet. Nice.... salt in MI and heavy equipment.
Another time, a different friend in another band, had their equipment stolen from their rehearsal space. He had contacted the police, filed a report, and found that they had just pawned and already resold the equipment at one of the music stores. The police refused to do anything (it was also in Toledo OH instead of MI), it wasn't a big deal to them. We heard where the band (who bought the stolen equipment) was playing and during a pizza delivery, I picked up my friend, we walked into the bar where the band was setup and about to play in another hour or so, and we walked onstage, unplugged the equipment (belonging to my friend) and walked out with it, nobody knew what even happened, they thought we were part of the band. We quickly headed back and I used the "train" excuse, but it was only an hour or so to make the "delivery".
Later BTW, the police helped the band that purchased the equipment get the money back from the store, and fined the thieves (they weren't jailed...).
I now live in sunny San Diego, still play but mostly for fun. - Lord Dior
You know, the same building, the same people working, the same pizza, etc. is all still there when I go back and visit... it's kind of weird.
I just remembered another funny one:
- we made our own dough (I guess not so common now?), and you cut and weigh for large, medium, etc., and you ALWAYS have a little piece left over. We used to throw it UP through the ceiling tiles and it would go into the "ceiling" somewhere when we were done (that sounds SO wrong now... ha ha). Anyway, one day the bathroom door was locked and somebody had to climb up through the ceiling and down into the bathroom to unlock it (or call a locksmith), so I went up to do that, and there was a HUGE dough "pile" up in the ceiling I had to act like I didn't notice (owner didn't know). I wish I had a photo, I can't explain what that blob looked like... kind of: Jabba the Hut
True story.
One time I was training to deliver the pizzas, I had to go to a frat house for one of the stops. When me and my trainer got to the house my trainer asked the guy at the door if he could use the bathroom real quick, while I did the transaction. When we got in the car to leave my trainer starts laughing and said, "I pissed in their shampoo!" Stunned I said, "What the hell did you do that for." He said, "My frat house hates that frat house."
Andrew Rivera
"What the hell did you do that for!"
one time in high school me and my friends ordered a pizza and I when the delivery guy got there I hurried up and took off all my clothes and answered the door in my underwear. then when I paid him I pulled the money out of my underwear and handed it to him. -Jerry stone
30+ yrs ago I played George in the original Broadway production of Beatlemania. The gig lasted 2 yrs – I got laid off/fired the night before my 30th birthday.
About 2 yrs later, I’m driving for a Hollywood courier service, trying to pay my child support and stay afloat. Beatlemania, the Film is in post-production at Lion’s Gate studio. I walk in to deliver a package and there’s the director and the piano player/musical director sitting in the lobby. They’re discussing something very important I’m sure and I stroll in wearing my uniform shirt and trying to get the receptionist’s attention.
I honestly don’t know who was more embarrassed – them or me. I tried to stay and chat with them for a minute, but it was really awkward.
Best of luck with your project.
P.M. Howard
I am a musician who delivered pizzas. I only had the job for about 2 weeks and then my license got suspended but there was one time that there was a really weird address and the guy that ordered the pizza even said it's a hard place to find. Anyway I was driving all over the general area and pulled into this big parking lot. I got out of the car and saw this guy leaning against a car, back to me. I got about 5 feet away and said "Excuse me sir, I'm looking for this.." and then this girl rose up. This guy was getting serviced in the parking lot and I interrupted. I just kind of stood there for a second and then said "I'm..........REALLY sorry". Then the both of them were like "Oh it's OK, what were you asking?" And I told them I was lost looking for this address and the girl says "Oh that's Dean's place, he's across the street where those lights are, tell him Carol says what's up". So I went across the street, delivered the pizza to this STONED guy, told him Carol say what's up, and he says "You know Carol?! How do you know Carol?" and I'm just like "Eh, ya know, from just........around". So then he gives me a $20 tip and I went on my way. Best tip that job ever got me.
So that's my story, I hope it helps
I am a musician who delivered pizzas. I only had the job for about 2 weeks and then my license got suspended but there was one time that there was a really weird address and the guy that ordered the pizza even said it's a hard place to find. Anyway I was driving all over the general area and pulled into this big parking lot. I got out of the car and saw this guy leaning against a car, back to me. I got about 5 feet away and said "Excuse me sir, I'm looking for this.." and then this girl rose up. This guy was getting serviced in the parking lot and I interrupted. I just kind of stood there for a second and then said "I'm..........REALLY sorry". Then the both of them were like "Oh it's OK, what were you asking?" And I told them I was lost looking for this address and the girl says "Oh that's Dean's place, he's across the street where those lights are, tell him Carol says what's up". So I went across the street, delivered the pizza to this STONED guy, told him Carol say what's up, and he says "You know Carol?! How do you know Carol?" and I'm just like "Eh, ya know, from just........around". So then he gives me a $20 tip and I went on my way. Best tip that job ever got me.
So that's my story, I hope it helps
Hi Dan,
I have several pizza stories to share.
I dated a guy who got off on watching me with other men.
When we traveled and stayed at a motel he would hide in the bathroom and I would give the pizza guy a blow job for a tip.
It was like a bizzare kind of foreplay for us.
I'm around a bit if you want to chat about it.
David Meltspecial
Hmmm, sounds good I'll try to jot them here, and if you want more/extrapolation just let me know...
Some just off the top of my head when I think about it...
Delivered to a small motel, two ladies were inside the room who were most obviously hookers... Room stunk of body spray, and both were wearing hardly anything. One invited me in, and the other told her it was Illegal! I laughed to myself that it could somehow be illegal for me to enter the room, considering what they were both doing then jetted out of there.
Delivered to an apt, 2 gals and a guy inside puffing marijuana. They invited me inside to smoke with them, and then after i clearly hesitated and thanked them for the offer the guy offered one of the girls that wasn't sitting right next to him, and she looked at me and nodded.
Delivered to a jackass who took about 8-10 minutes to finally answer the office door at a warehouse/storage place. He flashed 9-10 100 dollar bills which i told him I didn't have change for... He then dicked me around forever... finally got paid with a shitty tip after waiting forever...Needless to say his subsequent delivery got "lost".
There are more but i'll send those for now, computer crashed the first time, and i lost some of it... Definitely don't want my name included in any credits, just sounded like a fun idea.
Michael Laughlin
I've had the following quotes delivering pizzas in Pittsburgh :
"Look at that Eddie Vetter looking mutherfucker"
"Oh no, Tornado in the Ghetto" ...as a strong microburst storm forced me into my client's project apartment, the sky turned green, his kids were screaming, lightning was taking down trees, rain going sideways through the mail slot. I arrived back at my shop to find that the roof was blown off on to my boss's car.
Things like:
-Breaking an axle at 3am after delivering pizza all night on ice and barely coasting through the end of a tunnel in Pittsburgh.
- Getting hit after making an "illegal" left in a crazy 5 way intersection
- Getting robbed of a Hoagie in the projects by a pregnant lady because I forgot the cheese fries. while my boss told me to wait in the parking lot until he got there w/ the cops, the lady drove to the shop and threw the hoagie wrapper at the boss's wife. My boss later started telling everyone from the complex that we don't deliver there any more and gave out the pregnant ladies phone number to call and ask why.
- Launching my car onto snow banks to park during a blizzard.
- Was given "8mile"dvd as a tip while delivering to a hip hop radio station.
- Was pulled over 2x for speeding and let go because i worked for "enter restaurant here". one time the guy was like "why didn't you tell me that in the first place"
- Having an 81 vw rabbit that leaked water and shorted out every time it rained.
- Drug dealing and gambling bosses.
- Delivering to a guy w/ an extreme deformity in a hospital who was extremely pissed off and rude
- Tip in a strip club being 4 dollars that I have do give to the strippers
I delivered while touring w/ Cattle Decapitation and Creation is crucifixion.
Hi Dan,
My name is Dan too. I'm 42 years old now, but half a lifetime ago at age 18 I delivered pizzas for Domino's for nine months in 1984-85. My stories don't have any connection to my being a musician, but I had plenty of outrageous experiences that might be entertaining enough for your screenplay. Some examples I recall off the top of my head include:
- Delivering to a homosexual bathhouse with everyone nude, including underage "towel boys," with giant murals of men in mid sex act on the walls (quite an eye opener for me at that age and at that time).
- A rat crawled on my neck and shoulders when I entered a customer's house, and no I didn't drop the pizza.
- A water balloon was thrown at me from a sixth story dorm room when I arrived--the same dorm room where I was to deliver the pizza. I went up just to cuss them out and denied delivery (hot-headed and stupid back then).
- Delivered to a woman who specifically asked for a young man to bring her order for a significant tip. I drew the short straw and she was 50-ish, and answered the door in a see-through negligee. I declined her very direct "proposal" but she gave me a $5.50 tip anyway for a $8.50 pie.
- Received a high-quality bag of pot as a tip delivering to a New Year's Eve party.
- Delivered to a party where, unknown to me (and them), some of my friends were there. I stayed for awhile and got drunk on screwdrivers. As I left I hit a parked car, fled the scene, and drove drunk for the rest of my shift with five hours to go (again, young and stupid).
- Delivered to a party where I was greeted by twelve big guys who took the pies from me the moment I walked in, refused to pay, and blocked the door to keep me from leaving. After about fifteen minutes, they finally paid and let me leave after an aggressive stand-off (hot-headed and stupid yet again). I got in my car parked in their driveway and it wouldn't start!
- Cut through a dark alley downtown to save time and was stopped by a mugger. I told him that even though my name tag said "driver doesn't carry more than $20" I actually had $30 and even showed it to him. I convinced him that if I gave him the money I would get in trouble and probably fired. I must have earned his trust because he let me go without taking the money.
- This was back in the day of the 30-minute guarantee and being encouraged to run in the store and out in the field (now both considered safety hazards). I was running downtown into a bar (although underage I was allowed because they were hungry). As I turned the corner to enter, a homeless man was sleeping in the doorway and I didn't see him until the last second. I successfully hurdled him, keeping the pizzas level, and when I landed I received a thunderous applause from all the patrons.
- I have many strip club stories (again when I was three years too young to enter otherwise). One time the delivery was for a stripper who was wearing nothing but pasties with tassels. She paid with 11 very damp one dollar bills which, to be nice, strongly smelled like "sweat."
- I worked at various stores, and at one store I worked we were robbed at gunpoint at 2:30am. There were four of us there, and he had two of us tie up the other two with pieces of nylon rope he brought. I was one who was forced face down on the floor and tied up by my assistant manager (very loosely which went unnoticed). He wore a ski mask and disguised his voice in a rough way. His gun was a revolver and I clearly remember being able to see into the chambers when he pointed it at me, and it was fully loaded. We estimated his haul at about $1400 and he was never caught.
I'm sure there's more and if you think I may be able to assist you, I can try to remember them and write them down. When you say you're writing a screenplay, that means you're writing an original story based on the experiences you learn from folks like me, right? If it's a documentary, I don't want to be on record sharing the stories of illegal activity in which I participated. I'm okay with a full name "thank you" credit on a film not associating which event with whom, and would actually be flattered. Get back to me when you can if you're interested.
Funny idea.
Here are a few short ones.
I worked at a bunch of pizza places back when I used to play in a band. I had uniforms from all the big chains and we played a few shows all wearing uniforms from competing pizza places.
I also stole a few hot bags that our drummer used for cymbal cases.
I worked with this guy at a Pizza Hut that was an insane guitarist who used to drive around with this little guitar that had no body, it was just like a neck from the bridge to the nut and he used to play that thing in his truck whenever he hit a stop light. He never did anything with his talent because he was a major alcoholic and coke fiend. He come over to my pad once to watch my punk band practice and literally spit his beer when he heard us play and shouted “you guys suck”. Fucker. He was a little abrasive. Then, after he gets kicked out of his room at the YMCA he turns up sleeping in his truck in the alley behind my house and hanging out there all the time until one day he just disappeared of the face of the earth. Probably got busted for something.
A guy once smoked me out for a tip.
When I got fired from that Pizza Hut I went back and jammed a key in the lock so they couldn’t open on a morning when they were providing school lunch to the local high school.
Anyway, nothing spectacular but maybe it’ll give you some ideas.
If you wanna check out a short film and a few videos my buddy made I’ve got them on my myspace.
Either way, drop me a line when you finish. I’d like to see how it comes out.
Hey, I used to deliver in my youth. One story that stands out is that I had a guy I delivered to every Saturday night without fail. He never tipped his order came to 8.48 and he wanted his 1.52 back every time. I went to his house on Crutches and a leg brace, On skateboard telling him my car broke down and even in a tux and no luck never got a tip from the cheap sob. Also had an aquaintance who was a cop and would pull me over to help him trash pick and even call in a man hole cover that was out of the manhole( I removed the cover called in the fact that it was out) so that he could get a Workers Comp case by putting it back.
Just a few of the F-ed up things. Feel free to use if it fits the bill. Just send me a link to the finished project I am a frustrated film nut.
Good luck in the film
It's not the heat. It's the inhumanity.
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